Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wade and Nowitzki are on sale!


There have been some big moves after the 2013-2014 NBA Season. Some of these include Granger and Deng moving to the Heat, Gasol moving to the Bulls, Pierce moving to the Wizards and most especially LeBron moving back to the Cavaliers. But there are two veterans who stayed in their teams and will play for them until time says it's over. These two are none other than D-Wade and the German athlete, Dirk Nowitzki.

Both of these men have been playing for their teams for a very long time and have never switched teams ever since. They're loyal and true to their original teams. 

You may get them at the ff. prices
Dwyane Wade at Level 15 & 433 Player Value for 400 coins
Dirk Nowitzki at Level 20 & 450 Player Value for 450 coins

Sign them up for your team now!

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